The AC Method for Factoring Trinomials

The AC method for factoring trinomials is a relatively sophisticated but efficient technique for factoring trinomials when the leading term coefficient is not equal to one. In fact, the larger the coefficient, the more appropriate this technique becomes. 



Step 1

Write the terms of the trinomial in descending order of degree, i.e., in the form ax2+bx+c.


Step 2

Find the product of a and c.


Step 3

Find two factors p and q such that pq=ac and p + q = b.

This can be done by trial and error, or by solving the system of equations:
pq = ac     (1)
p + q = b  (2)


Step 4

Rewrite ax2+bx+c as ax2+px +qx+c


Step 5

Factor by grouping.


ax2+bx+c = ax2+px +qx+c

                  = x(ax + p) + r(ax + p)

                  = (x + r)(ax + p)


where r is a factor common to both q and c such that qx + c = r(ax + p).


Step 1



Step 2

ac = (6)(-12) = -72


Step 3

pq = -72      (1)

p + q = -14  (2)


Solving the system:


From (2) we have:

p + q = -14

<=> q = -14 -p


From (1) we have:

pq = -72

<=> p(-14 - p) = -72

<=> p+ 14p -72 = 0

<=> (p - 4)(p + 18) = 0


p can be either 4 or -18. We can find q from (1) or (2). 

Therefore p and q are 4 and -18 respectively; or -18 and 4 respectively. Choose either. We'll arbitrarily choose the former. 


Step 4

6x2-14x-12 = 6x2- px + qx -12 

                    = 6x2- 4x + -18x -12 


Step 5

6x2-14x-12 6x2- 4x + -18x -12 

                     =2x(3x + 2) - 6(3x + 2)

                     = (2x - 6)(3x + 2).




Comments: 2
  • #2

    Bellevue Tutoring (Tuesday, 10 March 2015 04:14)

    Thanks for sharing such type information.You give these methods is very helpful for students.

  • #1

    seattlemathtutor (Wednesday, 17 September 2014 05:36)

    Here are a couple of guidelines to keep in mind when asked to factor an expression completely. The first step is to factor out the greatest common factor (GCF). What remains may be a trinomial that can be further factored by trial-and-error, the AC-method, or some other approach. Second, in the context of factoring trinomials, it is assumed you are looking for integer-type numbers for p and q where pq=ac and p + q = b in ax^2 + bx + c. If integers cannot be found, then the trinomial is said to be "prime," that is, not factorable.